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Want to Highlight your cheekbones? Strobing is your answer!

Strobing is done by using a shimmering highlighter to enhance your face. Once you select your product, you just need follow strobing technique. People now a days even use dry glitters to define cheek bones and forehead and the contouring part. we all have been experimenting with glitter highlighters gel and creme. cheekbones attract all the attention in face whether say it in a blush or by stroking a white glitter shimmer across them. you can even pair with a gorgeous eye for a glow that will be shining all night long. We can say that strobing is said to be more elegant than highlighting because then again highlighting is done by following contouring and whereas strobing is not which eventually more preferred. strobing follows the same process but it's not so elegant nor too gordy for a person. Girls now a days has started doing strobing thier work place as well becuase usually contouring and highliting consumes a lot of time and strobing doesn't.

What It Is

As highlighting, strobing involves emphasis all the sharp points of your face. Think of the places where light actually catches. So, cheekbones, right above your brow, the bridge of your nose, your cupid's bow, and chin. For glitter strobing you only choose one or two of these spots (usually the cheekbones) and ahead!

How You Do It

Apply a regular strobing cream or powder. M.A.C. Strobing cream, NARS Illuminator or Wonderglow' Instant Soft-Focus Beauty FlasH are some of the most beloved strobing brands among young ladies! Then you need a strobing cohesive . Makeup artists usually do it by MAC Mixing Medium Eyeliner. Perhaps it's not an eyeliner. It's a gel-based makeup glue. It works. Put it over top the strobe. Then, put on some glitter with a brush.

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