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Home Remedies to treat Period pain !

1. Heat

One of the easiest ways to reduce menstrual cramps is applying heat on the lower abdomen. The heat helps in relaxing the contracting muscles in the uterus.

Place a heating pad over the lower part of your abdomen and lower back.Even taking a hot shower may relieve pain and make you feel more relaxed.

2. Ginger

Ginger is kind of a wonder herb that can effectively ease and lower the levels of pain of menstrual cramps. It also helps in fighting fatigue and can make irregular periods regular

Grate a small piece of ginger and add it into your tea or boil it in a cup of water for five minutes.

3. Basil

Basil is another very effective herb for reducing menstrual pain and cramps. An acid present in basil has pain-killing properties.

Add one tablespoon of basil leaves to one cup of boiling water. Cover tightly and allow it to cool. Drink this every few hours to ease cramps.

You can also add fresh basil leaves to your food.

4. Cinnamon

Cinnamon has anticlotting and anti-inflammatory properties that helps in relieving menstrual pain. Also, cinnamon is an excellent source of dietary fiber, calcium and iron

You can make cinnamon tea by stirring one-fourth teaspoon of cinnamon powder into a cup of hot water. 5.Water

Try to drink 6-8 glasses of water each day. In addition to making you feel better, this will also improve your overall health, especially during that time of the month.

Drinking adequate water is relevant for your body and during your periods your body needs a lot more water. So maintain a stable intake of water."

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