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Sleeping with makeup on ?

1. Irritation & Infection

Dermatologists say that neglecting to remove your eye makeup can cause dryness, redness, irritation and itching. Eye infections can also be caused if you let the makeup stay overnight. 2. Wrinkles

Sleeping in with your makeup on can increase your exposure to free wrinkles leading to skin breakdown and to a skin that ages faster. 3. Breakouts

This might seem obvious, but not removing foundation can definitely lead to major pores and pimples.

4. Dry Skin

Leftover makeup basically absorbs the moisture of the make up products and covers up your skin pores which results in skin drying.Removing it gives your skin the chance to breath and recollect its moisture levels.

6. Broken and Clogged Eyelashes

Sleeping in with mascara and thick liner on can result in the clogging of the tiny eyelash hair and it can also cause eyelashes to break easily and shed faster. 7. Chapped Lips

Sadly, that favourite lipstick of yours could also be zapping your lips of moisture if you leave it on for too long. Sleeping on with any kind of lipstick will result in dryness and chapping. Better to go for moisturising lip balm instead!

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