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Kendall Jenner’s 11 minute home workout !

Wanna workout like a VS angel?

As we all know that Kendall Jenner is super into wellness, It’s obvious she’s always keen to keep her health on top.

The workout is 11 minutes,and it’s 11 minutes of pure sweat.

Quick Tip: you’ll need a killer playlist to get through this workout. But remember,its only 11 minute , and then your daily workout is done. Lets start with it !

-Forearm plank, 30 seconds

-High plank. 30 seconds

-Side plank, 15 seconds

-Side plank with crunch, 5 reps on each side

-Alternative arm/leg plank, 15 seconds

-Rocking plank, 15 seconds

-Knee-to-elbow plank, 5 reps on each side

-Standard crunch, 20 reps

-Bicycle crunch, 30 seconds

-Vertical crunch, 20 seconds

-Frog crunch, 15 reps

-Twisted crunch, 15 reps -Leg lifts, 15 on each leg

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