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Sex after giving birth

Sex might feel different

Your sexual response will change, some things will feel better and some different. For both of you which is perfectly normal.Having sex might be the last thing on your mind for a few months,but when you do feel like it, be aware that it might feel different both physically and emotionally. You might leak

If you breastfeed, you may experience milk leakage during arousal or during orgasm. You may or you may not but expect the possibility. Some people find it incredibly sexy. Others, they would have preferred to know it was going to happen before a sudden new experience of having sex after a baby.

Your body will be different

Your body will feel like a new shape that you and your partner both have to get used to which isn't bad. New is just, new its different. Sexual positions you enjoyed before may be less appealing now, so it's important to experiment and to find out what works.

You might be multitasking during sex

You can feel very aroused and connected to your partner,but still keep half an ear out for the baby.Sex may feel like multitasking for awhile. For some women this feels natural, for others it is distracting. Your partner may accept it, or be bothered by it.

You might feel sexier than ever

Some women are amazed by what their bodies have achieved and become after growing and birthing a little person and that respect for one's body can feel powerful and highly positive. This can result in women feeling more erotic and sexier than ever.

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